That would be awesome.  Thanks David.


On Nov 2, 2007, at 12:52 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Nov 2, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Casey Rayman wrote:

I'm looking at openejb as a testing environment for some entity beans. Our production environment is Weblogic. We are using the <local-jndi-name> tags to force a JNDI name in our weblogic-ejb- jar.xml file. Openejb appears to allow the same tag in the openejb- jar.xml, but seems to ignore it completely.

Does anyone have any suggestions for forcing OpenEJB to use a JNDI name rather than using generated names via the openejb.jndiname.format property?

Hi Casey,

We don't quite have the same tag in the openejb-jar.xml. You've hit upon one of the only remaining todos, let me see if i can hack something up for you. Ideally we should support your weblogic-ejb- jar.xml directly so you don't have to maintain an openejb-jar.xml file.


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