
I am interested in preparing a doc on the following:

  - unit testing ejbs; show anything from basic testing to detailed
configuration, testing transactions, testing security
  - unit testing GlassFish apps; yes, we support their descriptors
and can unit test their ejbs just fine.
  - host ejbs from your app; show how to embed OpenEJB to make your
application capable of supporting ejbs and even remote ejb clients
  - debugging ejbs in your IDE with no plugins; show how when using
openejb to test your apps you can use standard debugging with no
plugins or remote servers.

My objective is that when I show a demo of OpenEJB, I should be able to
supplement the demo with some docs . Most of the people I have talked to
have questions regarding the topics you have listed above.

I will get started on the above this weekend and then start bugging you with

Thanks for the offer.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 3:15 AM, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Just as a general FYI, if anyone is interested in speaking or writing
> articles about OpenEJB I am more than happy to help you out in any way
> I can.
> Happy to review slides/text, help you get examples running, give you
> ideas on what to write or speak about, show you some advanced
> features, even give you some phone time.  I may even be able to help
> you find a publisher if you need it.
> A few topic ideas might be:
>   - learning ejb 3.0 with OpenEJB; maybe show off the validation
> functionality and how it can be used to learn ejb and speed up
> development
>   - advanced ejb dependency injection; show off the ability to extend
> injection beyond the spec supported types
>   - java ee with tomcat; show how to beef up your servlets with
> better dependency injection, jms, jpa, transactions, jax-ws, etc.
> doesn't even have to use ejbs.
>   - unit testing ejbs; show anything from basic testing to detailed
> configuration, testing transactions, testing security
>   - unit testing GlassFish apps; yes, we support their descriptors
> and can unit test their ejbs just fine.
>   - host ejbs from your app; show how to embed OpenEJB to make your
> application capable of supporting ejbs and even remote ejb clients
>   - debugging ejbs in your IDE with no plugins; show how when using
> openejb to test your apps you can use standard debugging with no
> plugins or remote servers.
> If you're a member or leader of a Java User Group, feel free to
> forward this offer out to your list.
> You're welcome to email me directly or via the OpenEJB lists.
> -David

Karan Singh Malhi

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