
> > I think this property should be set in System, not in InitialContext.
> >
> > System
> > .setProperty("log4j.category.OpenEJB.startup.attributes","DEBUG");
> I'm not sure if you're stating a preference or reporting that setting
> via InitialContext didn't work.  Both approaches should work in the
> current release.

[Marcin Kwapisz] 
p.setProperty("log4j.category.OpenEJB.startup.attributes", "DEBUG");
ctx = new InitialContext(p);

It does not work. That’s why I have set that value as a system property.

> We achieve this by translating the annotation into their *exact* xml
> equivalent and processing them together as if everything had been
> declared in xml.

[Marcin Kwapisz] 
Thanks David for very extensive and exhaustive explanation. More precise method 
description helps to override the security annotation. Glassfish accepts such 
deployment descriptor also so there is no problem now. I am curious how other 
application servers process security annotations and if OpenEJB is 
distinguished by that.
I take as a common rule that any value set in a deployment descriptor overrides 
an annotation value. I think, that rule comes from JEE specification so I was a 
little surprised when it did not work in OpenEJB.

Best regards
Marcin Kwapisz
Division of Computer Networks
Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

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