On Jan 12, 2009, at 1:09 AM, Marcin Kwapisz wrote:


I think this property should be set in System, not in InitialContext.


I'm not sure if you're stating a preference or reporting that setting
via InitialContext didn't work.  Both approaches should work in the
current release.

[Marcin Kwapisz]
p.setProperty("log4j.category.OpenEJB.startup.attributes", "DEBUG");
ctx = new InitialContext(p);

It does not work. That’s why I have set that value as a system property.

Thanks for reporting that. I thought I had testing it as both. Looks like the logging initialization was happening just before the InitialContext properties were getting seen. I've fixed things up so that logging is reinitialized and the logging overrides in the InitialContext properties get picked up as they should.

The fix should be in the 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT jars.

We achieve this by translating the annotation into their *exact* xml
equivalent and processing them together as if everything had been
declared in xml.

[Marcin Kwapisz]
Thanks David for very extensive and exhaustive explanation. More precise method description helps to override the security annotation. Glassfish accepts such deployment descriptor also so there is no problem now.

No problem, it needed to be documented. Just need to get that text into the wiki.

I am curious how other application servers process security annotations and if OpenEJB is distinguished by that.

It seems to be the case as far as I can tell. The same rules apply to the way we process transaction annotations and the new singleton @Lock annotation which have identical rules for annotation inheritance.

I take as a common rule that any value set in a deployment descriptor overrides an annotation value. I think, that rule comes from JEE specification so I was a little surprised when it did not work in OpenEJB.

Right, it does in concept, but the actual semantics of overriding are not covered in detail. The goal in EJB 3.0 was to create annotations that could express what the xml could do in the goal of replacing the xml. In the case of the transaction and security annotations, the annotations actually have *more* expressive power than the equivalent xml as the annotations can be applied to super classes resulting in pretty complex layering that you can't do the same way in xml. We made it possible in our impl, but as far as I know were the only one to do so.


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