On May 25, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Mho wrote:

I am new to openEJB and Eclipse. I am not new to Tomcat.
I am porting an application that used to run under JBOSS and it appears that
openEJB/Tomcat should be just a great environment.

I am using Eclipse with WTP and have successfully loaded up Tomcat with
OpenEJB and now I am trying to bring on line the MDB.

What I can't figure out is where I would put the XML that describes the queue for the MDB For example in JBOSS I would have a file that would look


There are a couple options for specifying the queue name for an MDB.

The first is to name the MDB after the queue and we will automatically hook the bean up to the queue with that name. So if the queue name is "DestinationManager", it'd be like so:

   public class DestinationManager implements MessageListener {

or ...

   @MessageDriven(name = "DestinationManager")
   public class MyMdbBean implements MessageListener {

The other option is to use an ActivationConfig like so:

   @MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"), @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destination", propertyValue = "DestinationManager")})
   public class MyMdbBean implements MessageListener {

Hope this helps!


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