On Jun 1, 2011, at 5:42 AM, Andre Brito wrote:

> I'm not sure I can give you any advice, since I don't have much experience in
> developing websites. I usually go to the site index and "Ctrl-F-it" what I'm
> trying to find. Not the best way, but I got used to it.
> BTW, there's a bug in a few pages.
> Look at this one:
> http://openejb.apache.org/3.0/testing-transactions-example.html
> I'm using Windows Seven with Firefox 4, and right above the "The Code"
> session, there's an exception:
>> Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:
>> Index: 20, Size: 20 
> I saw this in another session, but I can't remember where.
> I know you guys try your best to provide the best documentation and
> everything, but sometimes I find a little bit difficult to find things.
> Don't know why. Maybe it's just me.

Yeah, it's really hard.  We now have 46 examples in trunk and only about 13 are 
on the website and of the 13 most are broken as you point out.

There are a few threads on the dev list now about how to fix that.  Apache 
developed a CMS that is based on simple Markdown files checked into each 
projects SVN (stackoveflow and github both use Markdown).  It was just finished 
at the beginning of the year.  The main www.apache.org site uses it as do a 
handful of projects.  We'll likely be switching to that and moving away from 

I think it's going to have a big impact as we'll be able to edit the 
documentation while we edit the code (they'll be side by side in svn).  
Branching and versioning documentation will be way easier.  As well we'll be 
able to more easily generate content with simple scripts (in any language) 
rather than having to write Confluence plugins.

This isn't online yet, but here's an example of what we'll be able to do:

Really looking forward to it.


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