On Sep 20, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Bjorn Danielsson wrote:

> Marius Kruger <ama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I assume that the guys are more focussed on the 4.0.0 release ATM and
>> don't really get around to 3.2.0.
> Yes, that is my impression too when I read the "dev" mailing list
> archives. The 3.2.x branch seems to be broken.

True on both counts.  Though a more revealing and accurate description is 
probably; most the committers are busy with their day jobs and the small number 
of active people are stretched pretty thin.  I know I'm getting about 4hrs of 
sleep a night.

We could use more people.

Would be a dream come true to see someone from the community rise up and just 
sort of take control of all the build processes -- or lack there of :)

They'd need an Amazon wishlist though as no doubt they'd get some "thank you"s 
from me and maybe others.

Anyway, I spent a couple hours last night and got 3.2 build.  I didn't managed 
to get a 'mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true' to work.  Some help with that 
would be amazing.

I pushed some binaries as well:



> But I thought maybe
> it's possible to backport the annotation scanning fixes to 3.1.4?
> And then I noticed that the 3.1.x branch didn't end with the 3.1.4
> release. There are commits in that branch as late as March 2011.
> So I tried checking out and compiling the latest revision from
> the 3.1.x branch. And it solved my problem completely. It has the
> exclude/include mechanism that I needed for annotation scanning,
> and it provides a Tomcat plugin that works with Tomcat 6.0.29,
> which is the Tomcat version I am constrained to use by the huge
> third-party application I am integrating my EJB code into.
> The 3.1.x binaries I compiled called themselves 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.
> Maven aborted after 40 minutes due to a missing file while running
> some test, but the compilation itself got through without errors,
> and the resulting openejb.war seems to work perfectly.
> --
> Bjorn Danielsson
> Cuspy Code AB

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