Hi Guys,

Just joined the list, nice to meet you all.

We host a series of Tomcat and JBoss VMs and that's our key business area. We're planning on starting hosting for TomEE within the next week, and have had a couple of minor issues getting started so I thought I'd mention them.

As our first TomEE instance, we used a Tomcat 7.0.26 customer who has started using EJB's and enquired if we supported TomEE or Glassfish. It's a simple application, with a JNDI datasource lookup from META-INF/context.xml

Here's a list of the issues and patches we had to provide to get the TomEE (beta2-1.0.0-plus) instance working nicely. Please bear in mind this is our first TomEE instance, so if some of the below are caused by the EE spec, please let us know and ignore them.

The changes were quite minor, so great work!

1. JSPs were not being automatically recompiled, this is different behaviour to our standard Tomcat 7 installation.

/conf/web.xml declares the JSP servlet which handles jsps. development=true, modificationTestInterval=4 are supposed to be the defaults, but for some reason JSPs were not recompiling dynamically. We set checkInterval in the JSP servlet declaration and they started recompiling again.


Would TomEE be interfering with the JSP servlet somewhere? Perhaps it's a problem with Tomcat 7.0.21 used by TomEE beta 1.0.0?

2. The openejb application is not locked down to public access. For the openejb.war download, this is documented as being locked down by a valve, but in the TomEE download, the valve is commented out in META-INF/context.xml. For a hosted environment, locking down to a username/password is more useful than to a local IP address, so I'd like to suggest the following patch which makes the /openejb use roughly the same security as the /manager app:

Replace /openejb/META-INF/context.xml with the following (or add the realm):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">
       <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"
           pathname="${catalina.base}/conf/tomcat-users.xml" />

Define container-managed security by adding the following to /openejb/WEB-INF/web.xml:


   <display-name>Security constraint for the openejb app</display-name>

   <realm-name>Secure Area</realm-name>

This gives the same HTTP Auth protection as the standard /manager servlet, and uses the same tomcat-users.xml file from the conf folder.

3. For the customer's application, the MySQL JNDI datasource from the META-INF/context.xml was ignored, and for some reason the application tried to access an HSQLDB datasource which we didn't define anywhere. We tracked down that it seemed to be trying to use the one defined in openejb.xml, even though the JNDI name was different.

It seems to be accessing a "default JDBC datasource" when the JNDI-name is undefined. If this is standard EE behaviour, then please ignore this section.

Instead of a missing JNDI reference error, we got a database error from this default database:
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException:
   SELECT * FROM some_table
: user lacks privilege or object not found: PRODUCT_CATEGORIES

<sql:query var="categories" dataSource="jdbc/myJndiDatabase">
    SELECT * FROM categories

The JNDI name (jdbc/myJndiDatabase) for this resource is not a standard name so I can't see where it's deciding to use a default datasource instead of throwing an error. The datasource from META-INF/context.xml seems to be ignored in TomEE where it works fine in Tomcat. This seems to be insecure behaviour as accessing a "default" database, could potentially insert confidential information into that database by mistake.

We added the resource in openejb.xml and it now accesses that database correctly.

<Resource id="myJndiDatabase" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JtaManaged false

Other than that, everything is running fine! It took about 30 minutes to convert the application from a standard Tomcat 7 app to run on TomEE with the above changes.

So great work guys, and keep it up!

Best Regards,
Neale Rudd
Metawerx Pty Ltd

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