Hi Romain,

3. if your database if not correct, can't be created or is not found a
default one (the one you found in default openejb conf) will be used.
Normally we read context.xml in <your-webapp>/META-INF/context.xml. If you
manage to reproduce it in a simple test please create a jira here

Figured this one out with a bit of JNDI browsing. The customer had a resource ref in web.xml which had the same name as the resource in context.xml.

   <description>DB Connection</description>

This over-rode the context.xml resource, so that now only this one existed in java:comp/env/jdbc (it gets added to the tree after the context.xml one).

In this case, TomEE looks in openejb.xml for it and will match it if found by name, or if not found, as you describe above, it uses the first database found (making it the default).

One weird thing I found though was that restarting the application did not remove the resource-ref from JNDI. It appears the JNDI directory is not cleaned up on application destroy. This can be demonstrated by adding a resource-ref, reloading, changing the res-ref-name, reloading, then looking at java:comp/env/jdbc - you'll see multiple entries in there. They vanish after the VM is restarted of course.

Best Regards,
Neale Rudd
Metawerx Pty Ltd

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