We'd like to hear about anything you'd like to tell us.  If you're short on
ideas, here are some:

- Ways we can speed up or improve your ability to evaluate TomEE
- Anything you found difficult or inconvenient about using TomEE
- Documentation you would like to see
- Features you would like to have
- Anything in general to improve TomEE or help us grow

Keep in mind that out of every 100 people that try something out, maybe one
will actually post about it.  Feel incredibly encouraged to let us know
about your experiences with TomEE even if you think we've heard it a
hundred times.  Odds are we have not heard it and, if we have, the most
requested things are done first.  So definitely let us know!

Apache TomEE is free, but you can pay us with feedback :)

Best regards,
The Apache TomEE community

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