Hi Jim,

First, thanks for the email. Glad to see you've worked so much with TomEE already and could give some excellent feedback.

I've been working with David and one of our main hosting customers on similar issues to yours with migrating a series of Tomcat apps over to TomEE. In the case we investigated, it was related to some issues with different versions of JSF used within the application.

David mentioned that JPA and JSF can be handled differently to most other systems and he's currently working on exactly this issue.

If you would be interested, I'd love to involve you in our discussion directly and work on your project as one of our test-cases. This will help to improve TomEE, and make sure it becomes your ideal dev platform - which ultimately benefits all of us.

Reply here, or send me an email privately and we'll get you involved.

Best Regards,
Neale Rudd
Metawerx Java Hosting

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim May" <jim.webg...@gmail.com>
To: <users@openejb.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 12:37 AM
Subject: Feedback on TomEE 1.0.0


I appreciate the effort the community is putting into TomEE. Unfortunately,
it is a nightmare to use when developing applications. The biggest problem
is trying to get the dependencies to work together. I use Netbeans IDE and
I am trying to setup a restful webservice with Jersey and EclipseLink JPA
2. I find that have to constantly move my libraries into the TomEE lib
folder. I cannot simply use the libraries as part of my project. Now i have
gotten to the point where there is a class not found in compiling and the
class is already part of the libraries in the lib folder. I think I am
going to have to throw my hands up in the air and go back to Glassfish. I
have spent close to 10 hours trying to figure this out. I have been
hurdling error after error after error. My recommendation to you is to make
development as easy as possible with developers using specific libraries
with TomEE.

It should be easy as this:

1) Create new project
2) Add TomEE as server for app runtime
3) Add custom libraries to project
4) Compile and deploy


Unfortunately, it is not that way. It is that easy with Glassfish. You will
have me converted once you can make it that easy.

Thank You.

We'd like to hear about anything you'd like to tell us. If you're short on
ideas, here are some:

- Ways we can speed up or improve your ability to evaluate TomEE
- Anything you found difficult or inconvenient about using TomEE
- Documentation you would like to see
- Features you would like to have
- Anything in general to improve TomEE or help us grow

Keep in mind that out of every 100 people that try something out, maybe one
will actually post about it.  Feel incredibly encouraged to let us know
about your experiences with TomEE even if you think we've heard it a
hundred times.  Odds are we have not heard it and, if we have, the most
requested things are done first.  So definitely let us know!

Apache TomEE is free, but you can pay us with feedback :)

Best regards,
The Apache TomEE community

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