put all you want in WEB-INF/classes (think descriptors go to WEB-INF
instead of META-INF) and it should be fine

about your port error it is that your java installation is not correct (you
probably get a java.exe wrapper with some environment not set)

*Romain Manni-Bucau*
*Twitter: @rmannibucau*
*Blog: http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com*

2012/8/20 David Nordahl <da...@thinkology.org>

> I discovered my ide started leaving out the class files for some reason..
> I think I've got that fixed.  But now starting up tomee I get the error:
> SEVERE: Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler
> ["http-bio-8080"]
> java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 10106: create
> using netstat and other tools I don't see that port 10106 is in use and
> I'm not sure why it's trying to connect and open this port to begin with.
> Also I was wondering with a web app with EJB's if it is needed to build an
> EAR file, or if you can put the entity classes in the classes folder of
> WEB-INF in the WAR file?
> On 8/17/2012 3:55 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>> Did you generate jpa meta classes?
>> Le 17 août 2012 22:14, "David Nordahl"<da...@thinkology.org>  a écrit :
>>  I'm having trouble making TomEE happy on my deployed server and I'm not
>>> sure what is different from my dev environment.  Basically I have my EJB
>>> class files included in a jar in the lib folder of TomEE as well as in my
>>> deployed WAR web app.
>>> When EJBs are invoked, I get exceptions like:
>>> ClassCastException: cannot convert class A to class A.
>>> I also get exceptions about duplicate NamedQuery's.
>>> So I assume duplicate instances of class files present and TomEE is not
>>> able to sort this out for some reason.  So if I remove the EJB classes
>>> contained in the /lib folder jar of my class files, I get:
>>> WARNING: Meta class "com.company.entities.****Customer_" for entity
>>> class
>>> com.company.entities.Customer can not be registered with following
>>> exception "java.security.****PrivilegedActionException: java.lang.****
>>> ClassNotFoundException:
>>> com.company.entities.Customer_****"
>>> Aug 17, 2012 12:39:26 PM null
>>> Any advice regarding what I might be doing wrong ?  2-1 seems to equal 0
>>> here :-)

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