
subfolders should work out of the bow, if it is not the case maybe you
configured something wrong in your app

about ROOT you can use a META-INF/context.xml to define the context path to
/, that's the easier

*Romain Manni-Bucau*
*Twitter: @rmannibucau*

2012/8/22 David Nordahl <>

> When I drag my foo.war file to be deployed in the webapps folder it
> deploys the app to localhost:8080/foo, but it doesn't seem to serve any
> jsp/jpeg/css files contained in any subfolders of the war.
> When I rename the .war file to ROOT.war it serves everything up fine.  So
> I was wondering, how to do you configure TomEE to either deploy a war file
> like foo.war to ROOT, and if you actually do want it to deploy to
> localhost:8080/foo, then how do I get all my subfolders to show up
> correctly?

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