Hi Romain,
I tried to use DataSource Password Encryption <http://tomee.apache.org/datasource-password-encryption.html> following your steps but i missing some information cause it doesn't work.
is TomEE can decode the password without any additional library?
i have this error *Access denied for user 'username'@'hostname.infocamere.it' (using password: YES)* it was working with plain text. i used the this command (openejb cipher P@ssw0rd) to crypt the password.
and I'm also using spring

*ps. in our environment policy we can't deploy any password in plain text.*

my datasource configuration:
<Resource id="myMccplusDS" type="DataSource">
  JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://hostname.infocamere.it:3306/mydatabase
  UserName *username*
  Password *KjGfWPfU7xUzVUv5LG7YLA==*
  PasswordCipher *Static3DES*
  JtaManaged false
<bean id="mySqlDataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
    <property name="jndiName" value="java:app/myMccplusDS"/>


Yousef Herzallah
Tel: 8735

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