Not sure i got you. These jars are not always mandatory and depends on your
Le 8 déc. 2012 17:56, "Alex The Rocker" <> a écrit :

> Hello,
> A developer in our company asked me if there's any "clean way to download
> "tick client" TomEE-specific JAR files.
> For example, for (not so recent) TomEE 1.5.1 snapshot, his application
> needs to use the following JAR files at runtime:
> activemq-core-5.6.0.jar
> javaee-api-6.0-4-tomcat.jar
> openejb-client-4.5.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
> openjpa-2.2.0.jar
> slf4j-api-1.6.6.jar
> Given that:
>  a/ I have advised him not to include these JARs in his application,
> because his application must be compatible with newer TomEE releases, thus
> the question about a "provisioning service" for downloading those Java EE
> client-enabling JARs.
>  b/ His application doesn't need these JARs at build-time : he only uses
> generic (ie, non vendor specific) APIs like JNDI or JMS
>  c/ The last JAR file quoted above (slf4j-api.jar) is interesting because
> it's not directly a Java EE client implementation, but a dependency of some
> of the other JARs
> Question:
> 1. Is there a generic way to fulfill this requirement in a vendor
> independent way? if not, anything planned in Java EE 7 ?
> 2. Would it make sense to have such feature in TomEE to keeping Java EE
> tick clients up to date? If yes, then may I fill a JIRA for it?
> Thanks,
> Alex

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