
Can you describe your environment in a bit more detail? Is the OpenJPA code being called from a main() app? A Java EE app?


On Jul 3, 2008, at 6:33 AM, Georg Raffer wrote:

Hi guys,

Are there any limitations concerning the persistence cache in OpenJPA? I'm having an application that loads several thousand entities and then adds some using em.persist(newEntity);

The problem is that persists takes extremly long (up to serveral seconds per entity on a server machine)! The profiler shows me that the persist method stays very long in the dirty checking:

90,8% - 1.266 s - 31 inv. org.apache.openjpa.kernel.ManagedCache.dirtyCheck

Flushing or evicting entities from the session is not possible in this application.
Can anyone help with this issue?

bye, Georg
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