Hi guys. I have a problem with jpa enhancement.
I am using version 2.1.0 and I am trying to get it to enhanced an object
'Phone' with a field 'id' which is of type com.eaio.UUID. However when I run
the enhancement I get the 2 warnings below.
Any ideas?

411  openjpa  WARN   [main] openjpa.MetaData - Field "
com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone.id" is not a type that is
persistent by default.  If you want this field to be persistent, you have to
explicitly set it to persistent in your metadata.

681  openjpa  WARN   [main] openjpa.Enhance - Type "class
com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_" loaded by
java.net.URLClassLoader@69dfe453 has no metadata; enhancing as persistence
aware. If you intended for "class
com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_" to be persistence-capable, then
this means that OpenJPA could not find any metadata for "class
com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_". This can happen if the
directory containing your metadata is not in your CLASSPATH, or if your
metadata files are not named properly. See the documentation on metadata
placement for more information.

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