Why are we attempting to enhance a generated metamodel class?

"class com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_"

Classes that end in an underscore were probably generated for the metamodel
and/or criteria API usage.  So, something seems out of whack with attempting
to enhance these classes.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Rick Curtis <curti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you post your UUID class and the contents of your persistence.xml?
> Thanks,
> Rick
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Matthew Goodson <
> matt...@spidertracks.co.nz
> > wrote:
> > Just adding the class for reference
> >
> > @Embeddable
> > //public class Phone extends EmbeddedUUID implements WebOptionString,
> > Serializable {
> > public class Phone implements WebOptionString, Serializable {
> >
> > private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> >
> >  @Persistent
> > private UUID id;
> >  @Persistent
> > @NotEmpty(message = "{phone.number.required}")
> > @NumericString(message = "{phone.number.digitsonly}")
> > private String number;
> >
> > @Persistent
> > private String countryIdd;
> >
> > @Persistent
> > @NotNull(message = "{phone.country.required}")
> > private String iddCountryCode;
> >
> > @Persistent
> > @NotNull(message = "{phone.type.required}")
> > private PhoneType type;
> >
> > public Phone() {
> > id = new UUID();
> > }
> >
> > public Phone(String number, Country country, PhoneType type) {
> > this();
> > this.number = number;
> > this.type = type;
> > setIddCountry(country);
> > }
> >
> > public void setNumber(String number) {
> > this.number = number;
> > }
> >
> > public String getNumber() {
> > return number;
> > }
> >
> > public void setType(PhoneType type) {
> > this.type = type;
> > }
> >
> > public PhoneType getType() {
> > return type;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public String getDisplayString() {
> > return number;
> > }
> >
> > public void setIddCountry(Country country) {
> > if (country != null) {
> > this.iddCountryCode = country.getCode();
> > this.countryIdd = country.getIdd();
> > }
> > }
> >
> > public Country getIddCountry() {
> > if (iddCountryCode != null) {
> > return CountryFactory.INSTANCE.getByCode(this.iddCountryCode);
> > }
> > return null;
> > }
> >
> > public String getIddCountryCode() {
> > return iddCountryCode;
> > }
> >
> > public String getFullNumber() {
> > return (countryIdd == null ? "" : countryIdd) + (number == null ? "" :
> > number);
> > }
> >  public void clone(Phone other) {
> > Assert.notNull(other);
> > setIddCountry(other.getIddCountry());
> > setNumber(other.getNumber());
> > setType(other.getType());
> > }
> >
> > public UUID getId() {
> > return id;
> > }
> >  public void setId(UUID id) {
> > Assert.notNull(id);
> >  this.id = id;
> > }
> > }
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Matthew Goodson
> > <matt...@spidertracks.co.nz>wrote:
> >
> > > Hi guys. I have a problem with jpa enhancement.
> > > I am using version 2.1.0 and I am trying to get it to enhanced an
> object
> > > 'Phone' with a field 'id' which is of type com.eaio.UUID. However when
> I
> > run
> > > the enhancement I get the 2 warnings below.
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > 411  openjpa  WARN   [main] openjpa.MetaData - Field "
> > > com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone.id" is not a type that is
> > > persistent by default.  If you want this field to be persistent, you
> have
> > to
> > > explicitly set it to persistent in your metadata.
> > >
> > > 681  openjpa  WARN   [main] openjpa.Enhance - Type "class
> > > com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_" loaded by
> > > java.net.URLClassLoader@69dfe453 has no metadata; enhancing as
> > persistence
> > > aware. If you intended for "class
> > > com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_" to be persistence-capable,
> > then
> > > this means that OpenJPA could not find any metadata for "class
> > > com.spidertracks.aviator.model.user.Phone_". This can happen if the
> > > directory containing your metadata is not in your CLASSPATH, or if your
> > > metadata files are not named properly. See the documentation on
> metadata
> > > placement for more information.
> > >
> >
> --
> *Rick Curtis*

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