> Do I need to patch openjpa and extend JPQL.jjt and
JPQLExpressionBuilder.java? Is there another possibility?
AFIK that would be the only way to add additional JPQL features.... that
being said, I don't think it would be a trivial exercise and I don't think
any of that part of the code was meant to be extensible / contain database
specific operators.


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Rade Martinović <r...@rcub.bg.ac.rs> wrote:

> Hello all.
> For past few days am I investigating the possibility of using postgres'
> inet datatype in JPQL expressions.
> Of course, I can use NativeQuery, but I would like to refrain from using
> it if not absolutely necessary.
> I've created InetFieldStrategy which extends StringFieldStrategy and I've
> mapped it as default for all IPAddresses in my model. Loading, merging and
> persisting inets work fine. (of course, it would be nice if only there was
> some example how to create strategies, I've had some rough times).
> Now I would like to use inet operators to query database. All standard
> JPQL operators (such as <, >, <=, >=, <>, =) work fine. I guess that this
> is due to fact that OpenJPA now treats inet fields internally as Strings.
> But I would like also to use <<, >> (contains subnet, subnet contains)
> operators. JPQL parser complains that it does not recognize literals "<<"
> or ">>".
> Do I need to patch openjpa and extend JPQL.jjt and
> JPQLExpressionBuilder.java? Is there another possibility?
> Thank you for your answer.
> --
> Rade Martinović, M.Sc.E.E
> Software architect
> Belgrade University Computer Center
> Kumanovska 7, 126119 Beograd
> Serbia
> Tel:            +381-11-3031258
> Fax:            +381-11-3031259
> Email:          r...@rcub.bg.ac.rs
> Internet:       http://www.rcub.bg.ac.rs

*Rick Curtis*

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