Hi all! first of all thanks christopher for the video you ha have sent us, it 
will help me to understand all the things i can do with OL.
Now i have a question. I'm trying to use openlayers with a wms service using 
mapserver to present some arcInfo's coverages i have, but i can't really see 
them. I'm using ogr connection  but i don't know if i'm doing anything wrong. I 
don't know if this is the place where i sould ask this, but maybe someone can 
help me. If somenone know any web page with an example i'll be realle pleased.
Thanks to all!!

> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:55:32 -0500> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> CC: users@openlayers.org> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] 
> OpenLayers demos> > On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 10:28:02AM -0800, Jennifer 
> Strahan wrote:> > Hello All,> > > > I'm interested in seeing demos of the 
> great maps people are making with > > OpenLayers. A while back Christopher 
> Schmidt made a call for demos to > > include in his Where 2.0 OpenLayers 
> presentation. Does anyone know if a > > list of URLs has been compiled? Or if 
> a copy of the presentation was > > posted somewhere? If anyone has any new 
> URLs to share, I'd love see them.> > Some of the URLs I got were not public, 
> but you can see a flash video> that I used up on stage (minus my beautiful 
> voice): > > http://openlayers.org/presentations/wherepres/> > and from there 
> you can probably get at least a general sense of what> exists and where to 
> look. > > Regards,> -- > Christopher Schmidt> MetaCarta> 
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