On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 08:16:24PM +0000, Xavier Rayo wrote:
> Hi all! first of all thanks christopher for the video you ha have sent us, it 
> will help me to understand all the things i can do with OL.
> Now i have a question. I'm trying to use openlayers with a wms service using 
> mapserver to present some arcInfo's coverages i have, but i can't really see 
> them. I'm using ogr connection  but i don't know if i'm doing anything wrong. 
> I don't know if this is the place where i sould ask this, but maybe someone 
> can help me. If somenone know any web page with an example i'll be realle 
> pleased.
> Thanks to all!!

Because OpenLayers builds on a full stack of other software, it is
sometimes hard to know where the problem lies. A process for solving
this is:

   1. View the image
   2. Adjust the URL or your serverside configuration until the image
      looks the way you would like it to
   3. Attempt to make OpenLayers load images that look like the one you

If you can not do #1 and #2 above, then your problem is with your server
side configuration, and can not be fixed by OpenLayers. If you can do #1
and #2, but not #3, you can send:

    * The URL that OpenLayers is currently generating
    * The URL that you would like OpenLayers to generate 

to the mailing list, and it is much more likely that someone will be
able to help you. 
 -- http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/TroubleshootingTips

Christopher Schmidt
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