On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 03:58:40PM +0100, Jacolin Yves wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> I don't know if I understood what you mean but I tried in firebug console :

You did, thanks.

> >>> google.forwardMercator(4.812402,45.769954);
> lon=535714.1400579594,lat=5743560.513581038 lon=535714.1400579594 
> lat=5743560.513581038
> the GML layer shows no data there. 4.812402,45.769954 come from the GML file 
> in WGS84 (first vertex from first polygon).
> The corresponding vertex in the new GML file in 'spherical Mercartor' is: 
> 535714.140132531,5712913.07157348 which is incorrect (Y-offset).
> Does ogr need to supprot datum shifting for creating my file in spherical 
> Mercator? (http://proj.maptools.org/faq.html#datumshifting)

I can give you a definite "I have no idea" :) I know that it's always
worked for me on Debian machines, but I have no idea what options that
is built with: I'd guess that 'yes' is a possible answer, but at the
very least, you've narrowed down your problem to OGR/Proj, and you can
probably get better help on the GDAL list: make sure to reference
http://proj.maptools.org/faq.html#sphere_as_wgs84 , since it will
probably help people help you better.  

Christopher Schmidt
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