On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Christopher Schmidt
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 01:54:42PM +0200, Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> Although i find it weird to use a GML layer with a format different
>> than GML i agree that it's good to avoid code at the application
>> level. Thanks Andreas. Eric
> As Andreas pointed out, this is a flaw in naming. This is simply for
> 'historical reasons' -- It was named that way early on, before I really
> knew what I was doing. (It was named, for example, before we had
> formats, back when it really *was* about GML.)
> The GML and WFS layers can essentially be thought of two different
> strategies: GML is a Layer which uses a "Fixed" strategy, and WFS is a
> Layer which uses a "BBOX" strategy.
> Both of them are tied to the HTTP Protocol.

The WFS layer is tied to the "WFS" protocol.

> It's unfortunate that they're named this way, but that's one of the
> things that the vector behavior work is changing: once we've refactored
> things, we can start creating layers that actually make sense for their
> names :)

Ok, but what will we do with the WFS and GML layers? Will we keep them
with the same names and behaviors to maintain backward compatibility?

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