Hi Adorian
I have some code that does this:
//First I specify the format
var geojson_format = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON();
//Then I load some geoJSON from another Web page:
var cropsurl = 
 + farmid;
OpenLayers.loadURL(cropsurl, '', this, cropsreturn);
//Then it is serialised into a Vector layer
crops = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Crop areas",
                  {isBaseLayer: false,
                   style: crop_style, 
                   extractAttributes: true }); 
//My select feature control is set up along with a group of other controls:
controls = {
                select: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(crops, {callbacks: 
                dpolygon: new 
                modify: new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(crops),
                delf: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(crops, {onSelect: 
function(feature) {crops.destroyFeatures([feature])}})
              for(var key in controls) {
//I toggle which controls are active by a set of radio buttons outside the map 
for(key in controls) {
                var control = controls[key];
                if(element.value == key && element.checked) {
                } else {
Hope that helps.
Robert Sanson

>>> "Adorian Ardelean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/11/2008 6:14 a.m. >>>

I am trying to link a SelectFeature control to a dynamically loaded GeoJSON 
layer. I would like to serialize features drawn in this layer, but it seems 
that SelectFeature control does not work for me. Hover effect does not show 
either. Features from JSON layer are polygons. 

I would like to know if it is possible to use SelectFeature control with a 
GeoJSON layer. 

All the best, 

If helpful for reply, here are bits of code I use. For control: 
var regioninfo = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(regions, {hover: true, 
onSelect: getregioninfo}); 

where regions is GeoJSON layer and getregioninfo is the function that will 
serialize the feature. 

For  creating and reloading the layer GeoJSON I use: 
var regions = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("regions",{format: 
OpenLayers.loadURL(url, {}, null, onloadjson, onloadfailedjson);

Dr. Adorian Ardelean
coordinator of myNature Project

http://mybiosis.info/nature/portal.php?pagename=firstpage [a Romanian 

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