Hi Adorian
Do you remember Eric Lemoine saying that the selectFeature and modifyFeature 
controls don't behave well together - there is a patch for that:
See #1741. That would be good to know if the patch makes your problem
go away. Eric
2008/10/16, Eric Lemoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi. Do you also have a modify feature control? The select feature and
> modify feature controls are known not to play well together. There
> already is a ticket about that, and patch attached to it. Eric
 Maybe you are experiencing something similar?
Robert S

>>> "Adorian Ardelean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/11/2008 7:43 p.m. >>>
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your reply! I have a very similar way to load the geoJSON file 
and handle the controls outside map div. Except that I put part of code for 
loading geoJSON in a function: I want only one GeoJSON layer in which I 
load/switch an indeterminate number of GeoJSON files. This part is working well.

In this project I have actually two vector layers: One which is used just for 
drawing things on map (temporarily) and the other one which is the GeoJSON 
layer. For both vector layers I've declared distinct SelectFeature controls 
with intention of calling a "featureinfo" function. Beside this I include a 
draw polygon and delete feature control (the last one is again a SelectFeature 
control actually). It seems that functionality was affected by the way I have 
declared the controls, and one of the controls "did not like" going with the 

In the end I found a "solution" and the thing is working now. I currently have 
no idea why it did not work and why is now working. But I am happy with the 
See below two code versions of how I declare controls:

example 1 :
controls = {
            polygon: new 
            polygoninfo: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {hover: 
true, onSelect: serialize}),
            deletepolygon: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, 
{callbacks: {'click': deleteFeature}}),
            regioninfo: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(regions, 
{callbacks: {'click': serialize}})

example 1 is not working: delete and select functions do not work for both 
vector layers (vectors and regions). only draw polygon works corectly.

example 2:
controls = {
            polygon: new 

var polygoninfo = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {hover: true, 
onSelect: serialize});
var deletepolygon = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {callbacks: 
{'click': deleteFeature}});
var regioninfo = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(regions, {callbacks: 
{'click': serialize}});


example 2 is working only partially. All controls work except regioninfo.

example 3:
controls = {
            polygon: new 
            polygoninfo: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {hover: 
true, onSelect: serialize}),
            regioninfo: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(regions, 
{callbacks: {'click': serialize}})

var deletepolygon = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {callbacks: 
{'click': deleteFeature}});

example 3 is working well. all functions are doing what they are supposed to 
do. Personally I would prefer version 1 of code. However, since version 3 does 
the job I am glad that I could pass this point. It must be something I do wrong 
when I declare callbacks or...I don't know....

Thank you again for your input,

Dr. Adorian Ardelean
coordinator of myNature Project

http://mybiosis.info/nature/portal.php?pagename=firstpage [a Romanian 
http://mybiosis.info/nature/portal.php?pagename=adorian [CV]

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