On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 07:24:53AM -0800, Lasse Larsson wrote:
> Is there a way to set a layer use the POST method instead? something like
> Layer.useRequestMethod("POST"), If URI gets to long? (If I donĀ“t want to
> create SLD separate via url)?


Specifically, this would mean a significant change in behavior, from
using <img> requests which the browser handles asynchronously, to using
more complex XMLHttpRequests. Additionally, doing this would require a 
proxy to load data from different WMS servers, and proxies/same origin
policy violations are among the things *most* misunderstood by users in
OpenLayers. Making this problem worse by making it apply to the one
place it historically hasn't -- WMS requests -- sounds like begging for

Christopher Schmidt
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