
Le Thursday 09 April 2009 15:21:11 Christopher Schmidt, vous avez écrit :
> [..]
> Are you using trunk, or 2.7? 
I am using 2.7

> 2.7 doesn't have reprojection support. 
Hum, this is strange because I succeed to see my GML layer with the first 
method :/ It seems that was du to a cache problem ;)

I added proj4js lib with all my EPSG defs file. Does it explain what it is 

> How  
> are you testing that there is 'nothing inside'? checking layer.features,
> watching XMLHttpRequest, or just visual inspection?
Using Firebug>DOM, then map.layer[23].features.

My final purpose was to move to GeoJSON format. But my GeoJSON data seems not 
good. I tried to use GeoJSON data made from ogr2ogr from a shape file 
(railway stations) and it is working. However I can't see the difference 
between the files (except that all data of my first GeoJSON file is in one 

Hope it is clear,

Yves Jacolin

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