HI again,

Indeed it seems that the request is for a region that doesn't exist in the
server (due to the wrong SRS). Try to add the EPSG to the layer constructor:

var wfs2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(
                 typename: 'myLayersNameInTheServer',


2010/3/8 Sarah Schuessler <sarah_f...@yahoo.de>

> Hi,
> thanks for your suggestion!
> Name of the layer is correct. I use featureType: "mylayer" (without prefix)
> and/or typename: "gn:mylayer" but neither worked.
> Firebug gave me:
>  gml:boundedby ><gml:null>unknown</gml:null>
> I think because of different EPSG/coordinates. But don´t know how to manage
> best way.
> best regards
> Sarah
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