
I tried to make it work, but my wfs layer won´t be displayed.
I got a respone at firebug (if I use projection: "EPSG:900913" but even if I 
use no projection, only with EPSG: 31467 I got no features back). 
If I use these lines:

var ddBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
        ddBounds.transform(geographic, mercator)
(modified: switched geographic and mercator at transform() because my map has 
geographic projection and some mercator bounds)I got an error saying 
this.baselayer is null ( tried to set different baselayers and changed some 
code but I didn´t get it working).

Same behaviour like my selectionControl, where I get response/features but they 
won´t displayed at my select vector layer.

Any further hints about that?
best regards



I think the best way to do this is by performing the reprojection client-side 
(if I lead you otherwise it wasn't my intention - sorry). Just config the layer 
at Geoserver with its native EPSG without any modifications. This way you 
should get the layer with no problems at the demo page. 

Then at client-side the layer must be reprojected to the map's SRS. Use this 
example to guide you:


Hope it helps,


2010/3/8  <>

>I tried to alter srs code at geoserver from 31467 to 4326. If I use option 
>"reproject" at geoserver gui I can see my layer from geoserver demo page (if I 
>use "force declared" or "keep native" I could not even see my layer). But if I 
>want to make a getfeature request I get an exception:
>error occured getting features Had troubles handling filter 
>reprojection..could not decode srs 
>'http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326' null ... 
>>I thought I could force geoserver to use epsg 4326 at my request with my OL 
>>code, but as you said I have to manage it geoserver side...?
>Any further hints about that?
>best regards

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