Hi All,

I have a unique requirement that I need help with. Perhaps this is something

The best way to describe it is to look at this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXotq-W5HmA&feature=channel  but the gunsight
is not always in the center, you can drag it around in the map viewport.

+ I need a Gunsight control (which uses Map.getLonLatFromPixel() to work out
the geographical focus of where the gun is pointing).
+ The Gunsight does not move when the map is panned/moved (it's tied to
pixel position - not geographical)
+ The Gunsight needs to be draggable within the map view port <div> (can't
drag outside the viewport) a non-draggable/fixed pixel position solution
(i.e. center of map viewport) would be an unacceptable.

Thanks && Cheers :)
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