On 07/21/2010 01:55 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote: 

        I would have thought that draggable markers would be a better place to 
start than the overview. This is very similar identical to a draggable marker 
except it doesn't pan/follow the map.

Well, I guess both approaches could work, but markers (or vector features) is 
rather closely tided to moving with the map, and you then would have to 
override a lot of that behaviour..


        On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT) 
<atle.frenvik.sv...@geomatikk.no> wrote:

                On 07/21/2010 01:15 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote: 

                        Hi All, 

                        I have a unique requirement that I need help with. 
Perhaps this is something new...

                Well, the fact that you need this does not mean that anyone 
here is entiteled to make it for you.. 

                        The best way to describe it is to look at this:  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXotq-W5HmA&feature=channel  but the gunsight is 
not always in the center, you can drag it around in the map viewport.

                        + I need a Gunsight control (which uses 
Map.getLonLatFromPixel() to work out the geographical focus of where the gun is 
                        + The Gunsight does not move when the map is 
panned/moved (it's tied to pixel position - not geographical)
                        + The Gunsight needs to be draggable within the map 
view port <div> (can't drag outside the viewport) a non-draggable/fixed pixel 
position solution (i.e. center of map viewport) would be an unacceptable.

                I think a good starting point could be looking at the 
OverviewMap control, which uses a div placed on top of the map, and then make a 
control yourself based on somewhat the same concept.
                Good luck!

                        Thanks && Cheers :)
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                Atle Frenvik Sveen
                Geomatikk IKT AS
                tlf: 45 27 86 89

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Geomatikk IKT AS
tlf: 45 27 86 89
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