Sorry, forgot to keep the list in the loop

Hi Sebastien,

The refresh strategy only reloads the layer, so the problem with the 
Math.random key would be in the Http class i guess.

I think that is due to the fact that you generate the number once during 
construction of the Http class.

The problem with the popup is also noticed by myself.
It is due to the fact that the popup is connected to the feature and due to the 
refresh the features are removed and added again.
i solved this outside OpenLayers by closing the popup after a certain time 

But i think this needs to be solved when removing the feature actually

Hope this helps.
Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards,

Kristiaan Geusebroek


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On Jul 28, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Sébastien Geindre wrote:

hi all,

Some pbs with Strategy.Refresh :
Imagine the following layer :

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("FIR+Sigmets", {
strategies : [ new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()
             ,new OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh(
{force: true, interval:  10000  } )] ,
protocol : new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP( {
url : "./xml/data.xml",
  params: { 'key': Math.random()},
format : myformat
styleMap : new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style),
renderers : [ "Canvas", "SVG", "VML" ],
projection : map.displayProjection

I noticed *2 pbs :

1/ If i add a control select : selectControl = new
OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer), with an open popup on feature
selection. The pb is that when the layer is refreshed, the popups are
not erased...The layer changed, and it is not possible to access to the
layer used to create popup...

2/ In the example, note that the url of protocol.HTTP includes a
Math.random() key. Refresh process does not seem to generate again the
key param...

any help during  this hot summer ?

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