Thanks for your answer.

I added a fresh function that close the popup open on the layer before 
refresh it :
new OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh(
        { force: true,
          interval:  60000,
          refresh: function()  {
           if (this.layer && this.layer.refresh) {
            while( ) {
            this.layer.refresh({force: this.force});
>> Hi Sebastien,
>> The refresh strategy only reloads the layer, so the problem with the
>> Math.random key would be in the Http class i guess.
>> I think that is due to the fact that you generate the number once
>> during construction of the Http class.
>> The problem with the popup is also noticed by myself.
>> It is due to the fact that the popup is connected to the feature and
>> due to the refresh the features are removed and added again.
>> i solved this outside OpenLayers by closing the popup after a certain
>> time automatically.
>> But i think this needs to be solved when removing the feature actually
>> Hope this helps.
>> .
>> Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards,
>> * *
>> *Kristiaan Geusebroek*
>> Consultant**
>> * *
>> *
>> *
>> Email: <>__
>> Tel: +31 (0)35 538 1921
>> Fax: +31 (0)35 538 1922
>> Mobiel: +31 (0)6 3069 7223**
>> * *
>> Utrechtseweg 49
>> 1213 TL Hilversum
>> The Netherlands
>> <>
>> Xebia Blog:
>> Xebia Podcast:
>> On Jul 28, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Sébastien Geindre wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> Some pbs with Strategy.Refresh :
>>> Imagine the following layer :
>>> var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("FIR+Sigmets", {
>>> strategies : [ new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()
>>> ,new OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh(
>>> {force: true, interval: 10000 } )] ,
>>> protocol : new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP( {
>>> url : "./xml/data.xml",
>>> params: { 'key': Math.random()},
>>> format : myformat
>>> }),
>>> styleMap : new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style),
>>> renderers : [ "Canvas", "SVG", "VML" ],
>>> projection : map.displayProjection
>>> });
>>> I noticed *2 pbs :
>>> 1/ If i add a control select : selectControl = new
>>> OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layer), with an open popup on feature
>>> selection. The pb is that when the layer is refreshed, the popups are
>>> not erased...The layer changed, and it is not possible to access to the
>>> layer used to create popup...
>>> 2/ In the example, note that the url of protocol.HTTP includes a
>>> Math.random() key. Refresh process does not seem to generate again the
>>> key param...
>>> any help during this hot summer ?
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