On Sep 1, 2010, at 2:20 PM, huit_six wrote:

> I tried that sort of conversion :
>                var point = map.getLonLatFromPixel(position);
>               locDisp.innerHTML = (point.lat / 40000000 * 360 ).toFixed(4)+ 
> ', ' +
> (point.lon / 40065035.535 * 180).toFixed(4);
> which seem to give results  in the good ranges.
> But is it really the good way of conversion ? And why the latitude and
> longitude would be given in meters ? Isn't it weird ? Have I missed
> something ?

I couldn't find OpenLayers.Layer.OSM in the API docs, but the  
coordinates on your sample look like they're in 'spherical mercator',  
which is common for WMS providers like Google, Yahoo, etc.  
  says that OSM is indeed spherical mercator.

So, I think you're getting x & y values in the coordinate system of  
your base layer.  I think the values are actually a number of meters  
north & east of 0.  You can translate that to EPSG:4326 (lat/lon)  
using a function described in this page

Also take a look at the re-projection examples on the  
spherical_mercator.html page I linked to above.

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