The mailman brought my OpenOffice Installation CD today.

When I inserted the disk into the CD player on my iMac computer, which is
using the new Mavericks version of Mac's OS, I heard a slight growl. Then a
whirr. Following that a crunch. Finally the rotating CD emitted a
harmonious tweet to a 4/4 time beat.

Stranger yet, the software seemed to be loading, and it even opened up on
my desktop. Seeing it there tempted me to get with it, so I clicked the
Templates button and got a signal that the application was opening the
templates for the first time. That, I construed, meant to hold my horses
and wait. Being an obedient sort, I waited, but this time to the horrendous
crunch being played in ragtime.

I finally tired of this procedure and shut down my computer. When I
attempted to open OpenOffice, it didn't. Moreover my Mac told me that Apple
had no program to open it.

That's were it stands and where I sit, broken hearted and sad beyond

Perhaps you can help. Hence this plea.

I await your response.

All the best,


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