At 15:39 11/06/2014 -1000, Rochelle Noname wrote:
If this forum is to be a meaningful source of shared knowledge, no matter what skill level or ability the poster has, there must be respect and decorum. If a poster has a question to ask, there may be many others seeking the same or similar solution. If you can't contribute to the body of knowledge, then don't reply at all. Allowing such remarks is off putting to others, enough to prevent someone from future contributions or asking of help.

What you say is, of course, entirely true. But I suggest it's misplaced. Mr Groenescheij can speak for himself - indeed, he already has - but are you right to castigate him for writing either "You can't fill a 10 liter bucket with 11 liter water" or "what you try to do is driving a screw in the wall with a hammer"? These expression are surely perfectly sensible metaphors meaning respectively "You are attempting the impossible" and "You are using the wrong tool for the task", both respectable opinions - and notably directed at the questioner's technique, not personally at the questioner himself.

If someone is making his own life difficult by using an inappropriate tool for a task, there is no disrespect in pointing this out. Indeed, it is a kindness and a courtesy to do so. Questioners should appreciate that no disrespect is meant and consider the possibility that they might go about their task another way. (It remains their choice, of course.) You mention that others may be seeking a solution to a similar problem; they too, of course, may equally be helped by such advice.

But you are completely right about the need for "respect and decorum".

Brian Barker

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