At 16:05 12/06/2014 -0700, John Hart wrote:
When a question is asked, no matter how lame it appears, a snide response is the worst thing one can do.

Again, that's entirely true - but you are guilty of applying the principle inappropriately. (And the question was not lame, nor - I suggest - did it appear so.)

Mr Groenescheij's "You can't fill a 10 liter bucket with 11 liter water" is surely a variation on "you can't get a quart into a pint pot", which Oxford Dictionaries defines as "British proverb: You cannot achieve the impossible" - and makes no suggestion of impropriety. And "what you try to do is driving a screw in the wall with a hammer" is surely a pithy but acceptable way to say "You would be better off with a different - and the correct - tool"? Advising a questioner to use an alternative technique is constructive and helpful - and not at all malicious.

But yes: you are quite right about not being snide.

Brian Barker

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