Toshiba is old, has windows xp. I dont know how to check if it has read only 
permissions. But oo wont let me change it, and calls it an archival file.  And 
when I tried to print it out at Fedex office, I couldnt.  I had to go back to 
oo and save it as pdf in order to print it out.  Also, when I installed oo, I 
had to put in a patch and re-install it.   I didnt specify anything should be 
saved as archival.
I uninstalled oo and am now ready to redo whatever.  Should I just re download 
it and try it again?
t G
      From: Jonathan <>
Cc: Gael Buckley <> 
 Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 8:46 PM
 Subject: Re: Downloaded new version of open office
Gael B. <> wrote:

> Downloaded new version of open office
> and all the files are saved read only.
> All I did was
> - buy a new hp15 f039 machine with windows 8.1
> - downloaded open office (just like 3 days ago)
> - created a new simple text file (well, after I created a file with photos in 
> it, so I thought
> Id be simpler)
> (just hit new, typed in two sentences, and hit save as)
> whether I save it as odt or doc or whatever, when I try to reopen it, no 
> changes are allowed.
> That is all I did, I didnt customize the installation or anything.
> ???? Is it me, windows 8.1, or what?  I have an old open office on my old 
> toshiba, works
> fine.
> Thanks

Thanks for your detailed problem description.  Does the Toshiba have 
Windows 8.1 also?

Assuming that the problem only happens on one computer, I would like to 
double-check exactly what you mean by "read only":  do you mean that the 
file was saved to disk with read-only permissions?  Or do you ONLY mean 
that OpenOffice itself won't allow you to change the file, and that 
"read-only" appears in the title bar?


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