2015-01-28 13:19 GMT+01:00 Mark Harris <imm...@bigpond.com>:

> Openoffice is the best thing since sliced bread. However, I cannot insert
> a music character on its own such a Semibreve, Minim, Chrotchet, Quaver
> etc. on their own
> without being  attached in a staff. It is very frustrating when I'm
> writing notes.

When you say โ€writing notesโ€, do youreferring to writing music? Characters
like ๐„ž โ™ญ  ๐„† โ™ฏโ™ฉโ™ฎโ™ฉโ™ญโ™ฉ   ๐„‡ ?
I'm not sure I understand your problem. If you want to write music, there
are much more appropriate software for doing that. Or are you just writing
ABOUT music and need some musical characters here and there?

Musical symbols are located from U+1D100 โ€“ U+1D1DD. If you are running some
kind of Linux you can easily type them by just entering Ctrl+Shift+u and
their UNICODE. If you are running something else, I don't know. Probably
just as easy.

Here are the symbols that are supported in my system, maybe I installed
some font that wasn't originally included, but I don't think so:

๐„€ ๐„ ๐„‚ ๐„ƒ ๐„„ ๐„… ๐„† ๐„‡ ๐„ˆ ๐„‰ ๐„Š ๐„‹ ๐„Œ ๐„ ๐„Ž ๐„ ๐„ ๐„‘ ๐„’ ๐„“ ๐„” ๐„• ๐„– ๐„— ๐„˜
๐„™ ๐„š ๐„› ๐„œ ๐„ ๐„ž ๐„Ÿ ๐„  ๐„ก ๐„ข ๐„ฃ ๐„ค ๐„ฅ ๐„ฆ ๐„ฉ ๐„ช ๐„ซ ๐„ฌ ๐„ญ ๐„ฎ ๐„ฏ ๐„ฐ ๐„ฑ ๐„ฒ ๐„ณ
๐„ด ๐„ต ๐„ถ ๐„ท ๐„ธ ๐„น ๐„บ ๐„ป ๐„ผ ๐„ฝ ๐„พ ๐„ฟ ๐…€ ๐… ๐…‚ ๐…ƒ ๐…„ ๐…… ๐…† ๐…‡ ๐…ˆ ๐…‰ ๐…Š ๐…‹ ๐…Œ
๐… ๐…Ž ๐… ๐… ๐…‘ ๐…’ ๐…“ ๐…” ๐…• ๐…– ๐…— ๐…˜ ๐…š ๐…› ๐…œ ๐… ๐…ž ๐…Ÿ ๐…  ๐…ก ๐…ข ๐…ฃ
๐…ค๐…ฅ๐…ฆ๐…ง๐…จ๐…ฉ ๐…ช ๐…ซ ๐…ฌ๐…ญ๐…ฎ๐…ฏ๐…ฐ๐…ฑ๐…ฒ๐…ป๐…ผ๐…ฝ๐…พ๐…ฟ๐†€๐†๐†‚ ๐†ƒ ๐†„๐†…๐††๐†‡๐†ˆ๐†‰๐†Š๐†‹ ๐†Œ ๐†
๐†Ž ๐† ๐† ๐†‘ ๐†’ ๐†“ ๐†” ๐†• ๐†– ๐†— ๐†˜ ๐†™ ๐†š ๐†› ๐†œ ๐† ๐†ž ๐†Ÿ ๐†  ๐†ก ๐†ข ๐†ฃ ๐†ค ๐†ฅ ๐†ฆ
๐†ง ๐†จ ๐†ฉ๐†ช๐†ซ๐†ฌ๐†ญ ๐†ฎ ๐†ฏ ๐†ฐ ๐†ฑ ๐†ฒ ๐†ณ ๐†ด ๐†ต ๐†ถ ๐†ท ๐†ธ ๐†น ๐†บ ๐†ป ๐†ผ ๐†ฝ ๐†พ ๐†ฟ ๐‡€
๐‡ ๐‡‚ ๐‡ƒ ๐‡„ ๐‡… ๐‡† ๐‡‡ ๐‡ˆ ๐‡‰ ๐‡Š ๐‡‹ ๐‡Œ ๐‡ ๐‡Ž ๐‡ ๐‡ ๐‡‘ ๐‡’ ๐‡“ ๐‡” ๐‡• ๐‡– ๐‡— ๐‡˜ ๐‡™
๐‡š ๐‡› ๐‡œ ๐‡

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> Is there any way of doing this without using a staff so I can put these
> characters on
> their own.
> Mark

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