Alan (below) and Alexandro (previous message) offer great advice on how to 
locate a recoverable version of a document.  There are also practices
and options for limiting the risk of document loss in the future.

For more specific advice on your immediate problem, there needs to be more 
information on how the document seems to have vanished.  What operating 
system are you using, what version of Apache OpenOffice are you using, 
and how/where had you expected to find the document?  Was there any 
unusual incident when you were last using the document?

Also, if you open Apache OpenOffice directly, without opening a 
document, notice there is a pull-down (a little pointer) next to the
Open... icon of a file folder.  This will list the most-recent
document you have been working with, including their locations on
your machine.  If you click on the folder icon instead, OpenOffice
will open the last folder you were working on documents in.  

Inside applications, you can see that list in the File - Recent Documents
menu selection.

If any of the suggestions (above and below) work for you, please report
that so there will be more knowledge on dealing with this kind of 

 - Dennis

PS: You have reached a public mailing list on which volunteers contribute to 
questions from other users like themselves.  For any follow-up, please reply to where expert users can offer further advice and 
others can learn the solutions others have found.  Advisors on this list do not 
promise to respond to questions sent directly to their email addresses.  To 
observe questions and solutions posted to the list, you are welcome to 
subscribe to by sending an e-mail with any subject 
to from the mail account where you wish 
to receive posts made to the  list.  
  The OpenOffice Forums have an extensive knowledge base at that you can browse through as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan B [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2015 05:59
Subject: Re: document recovery

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 4:13 AM, Angie and Arty <>

> Hi while writing a lengthy document it seems to have vanished how do i
> recover the pages please.

I've done a little digging and this is what I found to suggest you try...

If you're using Windows be sure to check in Trash to see if it might be
there. Otherwise open OpenOffice and...

Possibility 1 -
Select "Tools | Options" from the menu
Expand the "Load/Save" branch and select "General"
Review the "Save" options.
.. Is "Always create backup copy" selected? If it isn't tick it to avoid
such losses in the future.
.. If it is selected then
Expand the "OpenOffice" branch and select "Paths"
Note the location of the "Backups" path then open that folder to see if the
file is there.

If "Always create backup copy" wasn't selected then try

Possibility 2 -
Select "Tools | Options" from the menu
Expand the "OpenOffice" branch and select "Paths"
Note the location of "Temporary files"
Open that folder. Examine the contents of that folder and any sub folders
to see if your file might be there.

If none of these work, and again if you're using Windows, get a file
undelete utility and see if it can recover the file.

I haven't used any of the following so cannot attest to their quality or
liklihood of success.

This first I'm suggesting because it's free and open source software so, if
gotten from the link provided, I don't expect it will have any unwanted
software or malware.
Kickass Undelete -

This next is commercial software with a free version available. I've used a
different Piriform product for years found it to be a quality product and
never gotten any malware from them so I trust Piriform.
Recuva -

Last, if you want to look yourself for undelete tools, take a look at this
article for suggestions.

Good luck.

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