Well it's difficult to confuse a link with plain text when it's a big button 
labeled "download"

On Nov 12, 2015 6:00 PM, Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Dale Erwin <dale.er...@casaerwin.org> 
> wrote: 
> >   It really annoys me how sourceforge puts all those other download links 
> > on the open office download page 
> Those are most of the time not links, but advert banners. 
> Big difference. Web users should learn to know the difference between a 
> regular text link, a web page button and a bitmap (image) with text written 
> on it. Just hovering the mouse cursor over an banner image will usually 
> tell you (by looking at the browser's status bar) where that takes you if 
> you click. 
> In fact if you read the TEXT on the Sourceforge page it tells you that the 
> download is starting automatically in 5 seconds.  "Your download will start 
> shortly...." followed by "Your download will start in 5 seconds". Which 
> counts down to zero when it finally starts. 
> I have installed an adverts blocker in my browser so I don't even see 
> whatever 3rd party advert banner the site might want to show me. 
> See this screenshot for what I mean: 
> http://s28.postimg.org/5v08sx5yl/adverts.png 
> (on the screenshot I was downloading another program, not AOO, but the 
> point is made) 
> FC 
> PS: Every time I see someone saying "you should ditch Sourceforge" I'm 
> forced to repeat the same: Sourceforge.net has one feature that IMHO all 
> other alternatrives lack, namely LOCAL MIRRORS. I'm down in Argentina and 
> the nearest SF.net mirror is in Brazil, so my download is initiated from 
> the Brazilian mirror. SF.net has local mirrors all around the world 
> Link for a list of mirrors: 
> http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Mirrors/ 
> ...which means users get faster downloads and ISPs do not overload 
> international pipes. 

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