Hi Rory

Thank you very much for your help, I'll have another go. I offered to help Open Office a while ago, I am an ex teacher and author and thought I would help with keeping wording suitable for non computer literates like myself, but I am not sufficiently computer literate to be part of the team.

Best wishes to all at Open Office


-----Original Message----- From: Rory O'Farrell
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 11:06 AM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Cc: Alex Stillwell
Subject: Re: download

On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:32:14 -0000
"Alex Stillwell" <alexstillw...@talktalk.net> wrote:


I would like to download the latest update but keep getting other material to update. I am a silver surfer and would like to download just the latest Open Office and then be able to add on one at a time. You have me down as a business – yes, I write books and sell them but I am not a CEO or anything else and do not earn sufficient to pay tax on it. And I do not see what it has to do with you and why I have to give this information before downloading. I would be happy to fill in a questionnaire, unfortunately I find your attitude very aggressive.

your sincerely Alexandra Stillwell

If you are getting other material, this is because OO is opensource and many sites manipulate search engines so that they come high on the hit list, and compile OO with unwanted add-ons or charge for it with spurious offers of support, or as you are finding have (amongst other things) intrusive questionaires.

The aggression you report is coming from such a rogue site, which is nothing to do with the OpenOffice project.

I suggest you remove the existing print of OpenOffice, run indepth Macware and antivirus scabs, then follow my suggestions below.

OpenOffice should be downloaded _only_ from

This site will redirect you to a SourceForge site and your download will start in about five seconds with no need to click on anything else (Do NOT click on anything else).

One can verify that the downloaded file is as it left the code factory by the methods described in

When you install, you will be asked to enter your name and initials. This is only for internal use on your computer to identify you from other users on the same computer (such as other family members). This information is not (repeat: NOT) transmitted outside of your computer.

We recommend downloading only from the above site.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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