As always, if there are no backups, there's probably nothing you or anyone
else can do about it, more than learning the lesson and start making daily
incremental backups from now on. Drives are cheap these days, and
reasonably fast too, so there's really no excuse for not doing backups.
Additional backups to some reasonably safe cloud service could be a good
complement too, in some cases.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

2017-11-29 4:32 GMT+01:00 mj <

> I have been working on a project using Open Office Spreadsheet for months
> -- it has worked perfectly and tonight, I open it up and all I get is a
> word document filled with hashtags.
> I need SOMEONE to HELP me -- this document has imperative information in
> it and I have sat here in tears for hours trying to fix it.  I've used 4
> different recovery systems and NOTHING is working!!
> I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME RECOVER THIS FILE!!!  You can reach me here on
> email or by phone at (678) 548-9498.
> MJ Stephens

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