Den tors 10 okt. 2019 kl 14:47 skrev Dave Bito'o'wu Pratt <>:

> This will be the fourth try at attempting to contact you. You don't make it
> easy. The following is my original message.

What was the other three attempts? Writing to this list or what?
And who are you referring to when you say ”you”? There is no Apache
OpenOffice support. This list is just users helping other users. I'm one of
those users (I'm actually an ex user, but that's hopefully not very
important) and some times I ask questions and some times I answer
questions, just like most people on the list.

> I used to use Word up until about 10 years ago when somebody suggested Open
> Office to me. I much prefer this to Word.

I prefer a hex editor over Word…

> I do have one issue though. I
> used Excel a lot. They had a function where I could add certain lines to a
> total. On your .ods file, I can find that function.

You can? That's great. Doesn't the mean that the problem is solved? I just
wonder how you could find it in the ods file. Shouldn't you rather look in
the Apache OpenOffice Calc application?

> I don't have Word or
> Excel on my PC now.

Lucky guy. I have both on my job computer and I hate both.

I miss that function.

You said you could find it (in your ods file), or did you mean something
else? Like what?

> I have Open Office version 4.1.6.
> Does that have the function I want? I've checked all the options at the top
> and can't find that function. Am I just missing seeing it? Please help
> because I miss that function. Thank you.

Okay, jokes aside, can you please better describe what that ”function”
actually did? I don't really understand what ”add certain lines to a total”
means. Certain lines? To a total? How? Can you give a simple example? What
is the function called in Excel?

I'm sure that if the function doesn't exist in Calc, it's possible to make
one with a macro, but I can't tell how complicated that would be unless I
have more information.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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