At 00:25 22/12/2019 +0100, Peter Kovacs wrote:
I need help with a user on Facebook. He speaks not very well English, and has issues with the gatekeeper on his Mac. He seems to be from Cambodia (Google translate claim)

It would be cool if someone can jump in who speaks Cambodian ...

No such beast, I think: the official language of Cambodian is Khmer.

... or can point me to a Cambodian Resource how to handle the gatekeeper.

o Go to Google Translate (e.g. ).
o Paste in the left panel the URL .
o In the right panel, select Khmer as the language.
o Click on the identical URL in the right panel.
o Follow the instructions in the last section (headed "How to open an app that hasn't been notarized or is from an unidentified developer" in the English version).

Or persuade your correspondent to do this.

The images will still be in English, of course, but they should be close enough to whatever he is seeing to be helpful.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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