My thanks to Dan and Pete for both of their comments I find very interesting.

I did not know that TB's address book could be used as the source database.  Am I correct in thinking that my GOOGLE Contacts list could also serve as a database ?

I have been trying to keep my TB address book up to date as well as my GOOGLE's Contacts list, and to keep both of those in sync. Can those, both, be used simultaneously as data sources?

I suppose that I should register my GMAIL email address with this AOO Email List, because I keep forgetting that it is my that is already registered.

TNX and, please, everyone stay safe!


On 4/18/2020 7:08 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
As you are not subscribed to this mailing list, you will not see all of the replies. So, I have copied Peter's response for you to see below my remarks. Also, do not reply directly to me for information: send it to

If you are comfortable in using Thunderbird as you data source, you can fill in the information that you want to have in it. Then you can use Base to connect to it creating Thunderbird.odb. When you open this file you will have all of the information that is in Thunderbird's Address Book at your finger tips. Both AOO and LIbreOffice will open this file.

Important: Any changes you want to make in the address information has to be made in the Thunderbird Address Book. Base only shows the information that is contained in this address book. However, you can still create queries, forms, and reports using this information. This opens up all kinds of ways to work with this information. If, for example, you wanted to send a single email to several different people at one time, this can be done by AOO or LibreOffice. It is called mail merge. Just some thoughts.


Peter Kovacs <>


I would say it depends what your goal is.

Is it a simple Address List, then Calc is the way to go. Do you want to do complex stuff with the List then you may want to consider a database approach and look if you base is sufficient.

I would personally install locally an Email App and use the build in Address book (maybe Thunderbird?). If you configure to sync Google then you have an easy job syncing the Addresses between your PC, Google and even to an Android Smart phone will be simple. And you can then maintain your address List on your phone. This works for me.

All the Best


On 4/17/20 16:34, Vince@GMAIL wrote:


I am staying at home and have time on my hands, so I think this might be a good time to generate an updated telephone/address book in a PC format.

Can anyone suggest a "relatively" simple database template for tracking Names, Postal Addresses, Telephone numbers-House, Telephone numbers-Cell, Telephone numbers-Businesses, Medical offices' data, etc?

I started by exporting my Contacts from the GMAIL website for my one email account, and have that data now on my WIN10-x64 desktop PC as a .CSV file (to Excel).  I also plan to eventually enter the data from a paper telephone/address book into a database.  I am not certain which to use, (vers 4.1.5) AOO-Calc or AOO-Base.  I also have Libre Office (Version: (x64) Build ID: 60da17e045e08f1793c57c00ba83cdfce946d0aa) installed, but am even less skilled with its operation.

1. Should I go with AOO-Calc or attempt to learn more about AOO-Base
   for this project?
2. Any suggestion for a template file would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading this.

Regards and stay safe,


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