
I am sorry my french is horrible. i am also sorry for sending a mail that has not been ment for you.

I just realized that I had a mail mismatch.

The Documentation we have you can read at [1]

The base is a normal Database Frontend, which designed to support for "simple" database models.

You could write a macro that reads a Path and adds elements to a database.

If you havbe only one table, that you want to fill, it is probable better to use a calc sheet for the purpose.

There you can simnply add a macro that scans a directory for files and adds each entry to cell.

Database is better if your case is more complex than that.


English translation:

Good morning, sir,

I am taking the liberty of contacting you because I would like to have information about the features of open office please.

I have several tables on which I would like to gather as much information as possible about my customers so that I don't always have to look for elements. I would like to know if it is possible to link a pdf file or folder to my table (I click on the cell and the information opens)?

Could you send me the complete open office manual in pdf version in English please?

Thank you in advance.

With kind regards

Translated with (free version)

Am 06.05.20 um 16:51 schrieb

Je me permets de vous contacter car je voudrais avoir un renseignement sur les 
fonctionnalités d’open office svp.

Je me fais plusieurs tableau sur lesquels je souhaite regrouper un maximum 
d’information concernant mes clients pour ne pas avoir à toujours chercher 
partour les éléments.
Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de lier un fichier pdf ou dossier à mon 
tableau ( je clique sur la cellule et l’information s’ouvre ) ?

Pourriez vous me transmettre en version pdf, la notice complète d’open office 
en Français svp ?

Je vous en remercie par avance.

Bien cordialement

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