At 20:28 08/08/2020 -0400, Robert Funnell wrote:
You should be able to set OpenOffice to save your document periodically. In LibreOffice this is under Tools > Options > Load/Save > General. I think it's similar in OpenOffice.

As I mentioned only a few weeks ago, useful though this facility is, it is important that readers are not misled by this suggestion. Like all sensible applications, OpenOffice (and surely LibreOffice too?) saves document files only when the user asks for this to happen - using Save or Save As or by selecting Save from the options provided when a modified document is closed without having been saved. This is important, so that a user may choose, after a period of editing, to abandon all changes and close the document or session without modifying the original document.

The option at Tools | Options... | Load/Save | General | Save | Save AutoRecovery information every ... Minutes has another purpose. If it is ticked, information about the current editing session is salted away regularly - but separately from the actual document file. This information is deleted automatically if a session is terminated normally. Its purpose is instead to deal with program or system crashes or power outages. In these circumstances an offer is made, when OpenOffice is next started, to recover editing changes made in the aborted session as far as possible.

If users need to save frequently because they cannot discover or cannot be bothered to discover the reason for frequent crashes, they need to do so explicitly. They'd be better off solving the problem, of course.

Brian Barker

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