At 10:49 28/08/2022 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
I have a vers: Calc sheet on my Win10x64 Home, build 19043, desktop with labels for columns A, B and H as follows:
[A] ... [B] ... [H]
Delivery Date ... Today Is ... Days Since Delivery

The data within cells A4, B4 and H4 are as follows:
23 February 2022 ... =TODAY() ... =B4-A4

Cells A4 and B4 are formatted as Date, MMMM D, YYYY.

The calculated results in those cells are:
23 February 2022 ... 28 August 28 2022 #VALUE!

I'm not sure I believe that! I don't see why you have two 28s in B4. And in any case, your format would include a comma: August 28, 2022

I don't know why I am getting a #VALUE! error in cell [H4]. Probably something simple... but it escapes me....

#VALUE! is error 519, which often means that a referenced cell contains text instead of the required number. You are looking at and copying for us that date in A4, but I'm having to guess that what you have there is actually a text string, not a date in spreadsheet terms. (Again, if the cell format was controlling what you see, there would be a comma.) Note that formatting A4 with a date format will not change the contents of the cell - so if, say, you pasted the date from somewhere else as text, it will still be text despite the cell format.

How can this be corrected?

The best way is to ensure that your data is entered correctly in the first place, so that dates you need to calculate with are genuine dates, not text. But there is a simple workaround if you now have text values. Just change your formula to
The VALUE() function will force the program to reinterpret the text value to an actual date value before performing the subtraction.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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