Thanks for that reply Alan... I've also learned something new. Great!

On 26/06/2023 21:19, Alan B wrote:
Working from what you ask, "I don't want others to edit my book while they
are viewing it," The first option that comes to mind is a secure PDF.

OO can create a secure PDF via "File > Export as PDF..."

The "PDF Options" dialog will open.

Select the "Security" tab.
Click the "Set Passwords..." button.

The "Set passwords" dialog will open with options for two types of
passwords. One password is to allow opening the PDF. That's not the one to
use. The "Set permission password" is the one to use.

For the "Set permission password" put a password in the "Password" field
and repeat it in the "Confirm" field.
Click the "OK" button to return to the "PDF Options" dialog box.
Tick the "Not permitted" option in the "Changes" section on the right side
of the Options dialog box.
... you may also want to disable copying text / images from the PDF into
another file, untick "Enable copying of content" to prevent copying from
the PDF
Now click the "Export" button.

The new PDF can be opened without a password but cannot be edited in a PDF
editor without knowing the "permission password." So don't make the
permission password simple. NOTE: this permission password only applies to
the PDF. It has NOTHING to do with the .odt file.

Whoever receives the PDF can open and read it at will but cannot edit it
(and cannot copy from it if the "Enable copying of content" option was
unticked). Even if the file is copied, the copy will still have the
permission password in it so the copy can't be edited either.

By doing this the file you send cannot be edited by the recipient and
copies of the file cannot be edited.

Keep in mind there are many ways to create an editable file from a PDF. But
the file you send and any copies made cannot be changed.

On Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 6:13 PM The Telepath <> wrote:

Hello OpenOffice,
I am wondering how you can waterproof a document on OpenOffice. I am a
writer and I am trying to send a copy of my book to people who are giving
me feedback. I don't want others to edit my book while they are viewing it.
What is the best way to send people a copy of my book, and they can only
view it?

Jada Schallhorn

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